OBS: Estarei sempre atualizando com os melhores scripts que eu encontrar
Scripts Utilitários
- Activator (Auto Summoner Spells, Clean CC, Auto Pots, Active Itens) [VIP]
- Autolevel v1.00 (Upa as Habilidades sozinho)
- Evade Dancing Shoes (Desvia das Skills, Auto Zhonyas, Seraph, Solari, Face)
- DivinePrediction LIB (Obrigatório instalar esta LIB)
- PrinceSmite (Auto Smite para Juglers)
- SafeMovement (Hellsing) [VIP]
- Sidas Auto Carry - Reborn (Script para farmar com 99% de precisão) [PAGO]
- Sidas Auto Carry - Revamped (Script para farmar com 70% de precição)
- SxOrbWalk (Script pra farmar e dar kiting)
- Tracker (Mostra CD das skills)
- zAwareness (Tracker Skill e Ward, Waypoints, Gank Alerta, Las-Hit Helper, MIA e Tower Range)
- zTowers Range Indicator (Mostra range das torres)
Scripts Top Lane
- Aatrox - Blood Prince (Draconis)
- Chogath - NomNom To Victory (xCrazyGuyNL)
- Garen - Demacia Combo (burn)
- Gnar - Gnarly (Ralphlol)
- Irelia - Hiten Style (Draconis)
- Jax - My Real Weapon (Draconis)
- Pantheon - This is Sparta (Ajgoreq)
- Renekton - The Butcher Of The Sands (CaosJR)
- Riven - Broken Wings (DDD2) [CRACKED]
- Ryze - A New Era (Totally Legit)
- Shen (fukdapolice)
- Shyvana - Flame Breath (Draconis)
- Top Master (Gangplank, Olaf, Poppy, Riven e Rumble)
- Vladimir - The Impaler (Sion)
- Urgot - The Unappreciated (scarem)
Scripts Mid Lane
- Ahri - Challenger (Da Vinci) [VIP]
- Akali - Elo Shower (Kn0wM3)
- Anivia (Zooper)
- Annie - The Perfect (Totally Legit)
- Azir - The Emperor (scarem)
- Cassiopeia - Exodus (Da Vinci)
- iCreative's AIO (Draven, Heimerdinger, Irella, Kennen, Lissandra, Orianna, Riven, Xerath)
- Ekko - Time Machine (Ralphlol) [PAGO]
- Katarina - The Sinister Blade (Reworked)
- LeBlanc - The Prestigious (Totally Legit) [CRACKED]
- Lissandra - The Ice Witch (iCreative)
- Mid Master - Series (Ahri, Annie, Brand, Diana, Fizz, Galio, Gragas, Lux e Zed)
- Nidalee - The Bestial God (Devn)
- Orianna - The Ball Is Angry (iCreative)
- Syndra - PentaKill Continuation (Fantastik)
- Talon - Cutthroat (Draconis)
- Twisted Fate - Texas Hold'em (Lillgoalie)
- Veigar - The Tiny Evil (fukdapolice)
- Vel'koz - Angels and Lazers (Ralphlol) [VIP]
- Xerath - High Voltage (AMBER) [VIP]
- Zed - Reborn (Da Vinci) [VIP]
- Ziggs - The Bombs (fukdapolice)
- Zyra - Fresh (KorFresh)
- Yasuo - Breath Taker (Da Vinci)
Scripts Juglers
- Amumu - Master of Sadness (SebastianBar)
- JarvanIV - The Emporer (MuMuHey)
- Jungle Master (Shaco e Vi)
- KhaZix - The Voidreaver (Tivia)
- Lee Sin - Dj Lee Sean (iCreative)
- Master Yi - Stannis Baratheon (Lillgoalie)
- Nocturne - Eternal Nightmare (Bstaf)
- Rammus - The Armordillo (OuttaControlX)
- Rengar (Fantastik)
- Sejuani - Montage (FaithHope)
- Udyr - Godyr Disrespect It (Da Vinci) [VIP]
- Warwick - Simple'N'Power Full (TANS)
Script ADCs
- ADC Master (Graves, Miss Fortune e Varus)
- AmberCarries (Draven, Kalista, Kog'Maw, Lucian, Quinn, Twitch e Vayne) [CRACKED]
- Ashe - Pippy (DaPipex)
- Caitlyn - The Impressive Shooter (SilentStar)
- Corki (Big Fat)
- Draven - Me Crazy (iCreative)
- Ezreal (Big Fat)
- Jinx - The Craziest (SilentStar)
- Kalista - Kite Machine (Ralphlol) [CRACKED]
- Kog'Maw - The Corrosive (SilentStar) [VIP]
- Lucian - The Carrier (SilentStar)
- Shadow Vayne - The Migthy Hunter (Aroc)
- Sivir - Fantastik (Fantastik)
- Twitch - The Poisoner (SilentStar)
Scripts Suporte
- Bardo - Remastered (Tivia)
- Blitzcrank - Ass Grabber (AMBER)
- Karma - SX (SyraxTepper)
- Kayle - The Judicator (JaiKor)
- Morgana - The Fallen Angel (fukdapolice)
- Sona (snOwPGC)
- Soraka - The Starchild (SilentStar) [VIP]
- Support - Bundle (Alistar, Annie, Blitzcrank, Janna, Karma, Leona, Lulu, Lux, Morgana, Nautilus, Sona, Soraka, Taric, Thresh e Zilean)
- Support Master (Blitzcranck, Morgana, Lulu e Zilean)
- Thresh - Master of Hook (SilentStar) [VIP]
- Tahm Kench - Mad River (Ralphlol) [VIP]
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